Welcome to another episode of the Digital Nomad Cafe Podcast. If this is your first time joining then, welcome. This podcast is for digital entrepreneurs carving out their slice of the online economy. To download my free guide on starting a business online, head over to digitalnomadcafe.com/start.
Today’s guest is Alistair Webster from alistairwebster.com & freelancesuccess.co.uk. He is a freelance website designer who currently lives in Cyprus with his partner. Alistair worked with dozens of international and local clients to create websites that have a purpose and are underpinned by real marketing strategy.

In this episode, we discuss:
- How Alistair got started as a digital nomad when living in Spain
- The skills he learned to get more work
- We discuss the importance of growing your network
- The benefits of having a good referral network for your business
- What lockdown life in Cyprus is like.
- How Alistair gets sales for his web design business.
- Tips for digital nomads who are looking to get more business.
Thank you for joining us in today’s episode. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast and give us a Review on iTunes & a Follow on Spotify. Digitalnomadcafe.com for more episodes.